Educație și oportunități egale pentru copiii refugiați în școlile de artă din Chișinău

UNHCR GWA Kristin Davis, meets Ukrainian refugee children at AVE Copiii. AO Association for Child and Family Empowerment "AVE Copiii" is one of the first NGOs registered in the Republic of Moldova to promote children's rights, and has been UNHCR’s partner for the past 20 years. The organization promotes the social protection of families and children, especially those from vulnerable groups. They work on prevention of violence in families at risk, and the social reintegration of children who are survivors of abuse and neglect.As a consequence of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine and the large number of refugee women and children, including unaccompanied and separated children, entering Moldova, AVE Copiii expanded their activities to directly assist refugee children and caregivers.In partnership with UNHCR, and in close collaboration with the Guardianship Authority, AVE Copiii provides case management support to refugee children at risk throughout the country, including unaccompanied and separated children. Additionally, through their “special needs fund”, AVE Copiii provides material support to children at risk, both on an individual level (ex: a specialized wheelchair for a child with a severe disability) and on a group level (support with school supplies and winter clothing). AVE Copiii also conducts trainings on child protection. In spring 2023, two multi day trainings on child protection were conducted for over 70 Guardianship Authority staff. A follow up session of this training is planned for autumn 2023, as well as trainings for Border Police staff and the General Inspectorate For Migration (migration and asylum office) staff on child protection. Finally, AVE Copiii provides technical consultations to authorities, when requested, on complex child protection cases.  Goodwill Ambassador for UNHCR , the UN Refugee Agency and internationally renowned actress Kristin Davis visited Chisinau, in the Republic of Moldova, to meet with Ukrainian refugees

Școlile de artă din municipiul Chișinău sunt frecventate, în prezent, de peste 1.000 de copii refugiați. Primăria Municipiului Chișinău a făcut tot posibilul pentru a-i primi cu brațele deschise și a le oferi toate condițiile, fără a simți vreun disconfort.

În cadrul Podcastului „Chișinău LIVE”, șeful interimar al Direcției Cultură a Capitalei, Alina Tabacari, a declarat că mulți dintre acești elevi au participat și la diferite concursuri, reușind chiar să ocupe locurile de frunte.

„Noi îi tratăm pe toți egal și le oferim tuturor aceleași oportunități”, a precizat Alina Tabacari.

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